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Let's Make Living in CGHS Smarter!

SmartCGHS provides services, tools and systems that makes management operations in a housing society simple, efficient and transparent.

Every housing soiciety typically houses 100s of members and monthly operations like billing and accounting becomes tedious and repeatative at end of every month. Billing & Accounting apart , daily operations like complaint handling for plumber and electricians can also be done in a much better way by incorporating digital technology.

SmartCGHS helps you there to implement such facilities with ease.


Let's Make Living in CGHS Smarter!

Member Management

Keep member database updated at a centralized location.
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Monthly Billing Automation

Create bills for all your members at one go!
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Pay Bills online

Get bill payments from members through online means using cards, netbanking, paytm, etc.
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Utility Complaint Management

Keep track of complaints handled by electrician, plumber, etc.
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General Complaints/Issues

Keep track of issues and concerns raised to management
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Mass Communication

Send email, SMS, mobile push notifications to multiple members, all at one go!
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Document Management

Digitize and store your important documents in one place and also display the public notices electronically.
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Let's Make Living in CGHS Smarter!

Smart CGHS